Unravel Carbon enables enterprises to decarbonize themselves and their large ecosystems of enterprises, with speed and scale through AI technology. They are also the decarbonization partner for the Singapore Fintech Festival.
In order to walk the talk, Unravel Carbon engaged reXtore to design and build a net zero exhibition stand at the Singapore Fintech Festival 2022.
To create a net zero booth without compromising on style and function. Visitors to the booths should leave the booth aware of the necessity to take action on climate change, impressed by the innovative solutions out there to support them and inspired by the practical ways in which decarbonization can be achieved.
We designed the booth that takes into considerations the following briefing points.
Use of eco-friendly materials
Low energy consumption
Taking into account the 6Rs principles (Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair)

In order to make the stand reusable at the end of life, we have proposed to use a range of connectors that can bolt the boards together to create various shapes.
The proposed design uses just two main components:
Agriwood is made from the waste straw following rice and wheat harvests. This straw is typically burnt following harvest adding significant carbon emissions to the environment. We work with local factories and farmers in China and India to collect this agricultural waste and turn it into boards that we can use for interior fit outs, exhibitions and furniture. Typically boards are made from wood (plywood, MDF, chipboard etc) often resulting in the destruction of rainforests in SE Asia. By using this agricultural waste product no trees need to be felled.

At the end of life (end of the show) we unclip all the boards and take back to the warehouse for its next mission. This is a truly circular system and creates zero waste.